Post #11Hesitation kills opportunities. Opportunities don’t just go away, other people take them away. Now is the time for me to take action. ...
Post #10Each and every one of us will fail multiple times on the way to DESTINY. Therefore, I must transform my fear into fuel. None of us come...
Post #9At some point in life we all need an aha moment. My aha moment was when I decided enough is enough, nothing is going to keep me from...
Post #8I am a work in progress. I don’t always get it right. I don’t always have the right answers. I don’t always say the right things. ...
Post #7Integrity is most important when there is much at stake. Reaching my DESTINY is going to take me places I have never been. I expect to...
Post #6As the end of the year draws near, I think of all the resolutions made but never came to fruition. Unfortunately, too many began the...
Post #5Each day I wake up and take action. Something I do today must bring me one step closer to my DESTINY. It can be sending an email, doing...
Post #4Everything about my past prepared me for my future. I’ve been stepped on, overlooked, talked about and had more doors closed in my face...
Post #3The road to my DESTINY can be slow going to say the least. Everything about me wants to reach my DESTINATION right now…today. ...
Post #2Following my DESTINY does not require me to have all the answers, all the time. It does, however require me to take steps toward my...